Industry 4.0Gap Laser is pleased to inform that all the laser sources of our production can be equipped with a new HW/SW platform.Gap Laser has defined and created an architecture ( GAP NET ) of sw and hw modules, scalable on customer needs, in cooperation and with the support of Computer Design S.r.l., a software house with a long experience, creating, providing and managing IT INFRASTRUCTURE and solutions with cutting-edge technologies.The purposes of GAP NET mainly concern the management of the customer's production and its traceability, sending variable data from PLC (or PC server) through TCP / IP links to the laser, diagnostics of all remote Gap Laser devices using the protocol MODBUS, all in the perspective of INDUSTRY 4.0.For any information do not hesitate to contact us, our team of experts is at your disposal to define the technical aspects, the timing of implementation and the related costs.For any information related to the Industry 4.0 Plan you can refer to the following to the document of the Ministry of Economic Development, downloadable from the following link:Industria 4.0 - Previsioni 2025 e 2026